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Professional Referrals: Three Ways to More Success

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If you are a professional who wants to increase your business clientele but you find the usual practice of networking difficult, there are three ways you can approach this task that will make things easier for you.

Some find that they just do not have the time for social interaction while others just want to spend more time with their families rather than joining the usual organizations where they can meet potential clients. Some professionals are experts in their fields but are somewhat lacking in their social skills hence miss opportunities for referrals from others.

If any of these situations applies to you, here are three ways you can overcome your resistance and move forward with a plan that will help you receive an abundance of referrals from other professionals and clients.

One: Focus on a niche within your field

Find a service that connects you with other professionals in your service field. For instance, if you are a counselor or a life insurance agent, you may consider finding a service that will make connections easy and effortless with other professionals serving people who are going through divorce through a referral system that is automatic. Over 2.4 million people are divorcing each year and these professionals can collaborate and grow their businesses by being in a system that creates professional referrals easily. Imagine networking automatically with:

Bankruptcy Attorneys
Divorce Attorneys
Estate Planning Professionals
Health Insurance Agents
Life Insurance Agents
Marriage Counselors
Mortgage Professionals
Real Estate Agents

Two: Give that extra mile

Make sure that your clients really know that you are working in their best interest. Give them a little extra attention, speaking to them with compassion always and making them feel special. There are those who treat their clients as numbers or have little interest in their clients' life experiences. This can be a big mistake. If you change your approach to them and see them as more than just clients, but as friends too, they will be much more inclined to tell their friends about you and send more clients your way.

Three: Listen, listen, listen

How many times, in dealing with your clients, do you wait impatiently while they are talking to you until you can jump in and speak what it is you want them to know? Are you looking at the clock rather than letting them give you information that you might miss if you are too impatient? People are very aware when they are really being listened to and value the good listener so much that they judge performance on this very skill sometimes more than just the service being rendered. Even if you know you are the best counselor, tax advisor or real estate agent, your skills will be outweighed by your lack of attention. If a client feels cared for, they will come back and send others to you.

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